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Braces and Aligners

Many people seek orthodontic treatment at Artius Dental with the goal of achieving a beautiful and healthy smile. Crooked and misaligned teeth can make one feel uneasy about their appearance and smile. Our orthodontists understand this concern and offer various options to help our patients achieve straight teeth and a healthy bite. 

With modern orthodontics, children and adults can benefit from newer techniques that are more comfortable and successful than ever before. Consult our specialist orthodontist to find the best-suited orthodontic treatment for you.


These braces are made of clear or tooth-colored materials, making them less visible than traditional metal braces. They are a popular choice for patients who want a more discreet treatment option.

Benefits of Ceramic Braces

  • Barely visible

  • Comfortable

  • Stain-resistant

  • Affordable

Our Dentist

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