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Artius Dental provides specialised prosthodontic treatments aimed at restoring and replacing teeth to improve function, comfort, and appearance. With advanced techniques and materials, Artius Dental can help restore your smile and boost your confidence.


What Is A Bridge?

A dental bridge saves teeth by filling in gaps caused by missing teeth. It helps maintain dental health by preventing remaining teeth from shifting and restores the ability to chew and speak. With a dental bridge, your smile is complete and ready to take on the world!

What Are Dental Bridges Made Of?

A bridge fills the gap between teeth with crowns on either side (abutment teeth) and a false tooth/teeth (pontics) in between. Pontics can be made of different materials, such as gold or porcelain, and are held in place by natural teeth or implants.

1. Tooth Preparation

The first step is to prepare the teeth on either side of the gap by removing a portion of enamel to allow room for a crown to be placed over them.

2. Impression Taking

Impressions of the teeth are then taken to create a model from which the bridge, pontic, and crowns will be made by our in-house dental laboratory.

3. Temporary Bridge Creation

A temporary bridge is created by our lab for the patient to wear to protect the exposed teeth and gums while waiting for the permanent bridge.

4. Permanent Bridge Fixing

During the second visit, the temporary bridge is removed, and the permanent porcelain or metal bridge is fixed or cemented to the prepared teeth. This type of bridge is permanent and cannot be taken out of the mouth without a dentist's help.

5. Follow-Up Visits

One or more follow-up visits are necessary to ensure the bridge fits, is adjusted, and cemented in place.

6. Temporary Bridge Creation

In some cases, dental implants may be used to support a bridge when several teeth are missing. Implants are 
surgically placed posts that fuse to the jawbone to act as a base for the bridge. A key benefit of implants is that 
they don't need support from the surrounding teeth.

Our Dentist

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